Let me just start of by saying that I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you had a lot of fun and got what you needed and wanted, I my self I had a great Christmas with my amazing family and life is just great. I just wanted to sit down and write a bit on here, because after all this is the last day of this year, 2012.
To me this 2012 has been a good year, I have had a lot of fun and so many amazing things have happened to me, I'm still in school and I have to tell you, it's going great. My life has been great and there's this one little thing I have to tell you guys.
Ever since I started to write on my blog you guys have given me so much confidence by telling me all these beautiful things, and you are really amazing. I simply can't thank you enough. You made me grow as a person on the inside.
I wake up every day with a smile on my face cause theres no reason for me to be sad any longer. I hope your year has been just as good as mine. I really miss you guys, and I just have to let you know that I will start writing again on my blog ones I start school again, which will be January 3. I really look forward to start up again.
I'm just now sitting in my dress at the kichentable, I'm just about to see a new episode of Without a Trace, I love that show, and you guys should watch it as well. I'm gonna eat some tacos now, so I wish you all a happy new year.

-Did you have a nice Christmas?
-What was your 2012 like?